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  • Agents

Shift to These Keywords to Sound Like a Pro

5 min

The insurance market is highly competitive; hence, every insurer is putting in their best efforts from an SEO standpoint to rank on Google's Search Engine and increase their visibility. With the right keywords across your website, ad campaigns, and social media marketing, you can rank organically in search engines and expect quality leads over a short period. 

However, knowing how to choose and implement the right keywords is the trick. With thousands of keywords competing against each other, thorough keyword research and SEO knowledge are essential. In this article, we will help you with keywords that you can use to make your insurance website SEO optimized and stay ahead of your competitors. 

Before we begin, we will explore what we understand by keywords and how they benefit us. 

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are search terms, or words and phrases that people type on search bars of different search engines to look for things on the internet. While some keywords are specific or branded, some are generic keywords. Insurers can optimize their websites or ad campaigns with these keywords, depending on their relevance, volume, and search engine to rank higher on search engines. 

The best way to choose keywords is by searching for keywords with high search volume and medium or low competition. This helps you steer clear of the high-ranking keywords that can reduce your chances of ranking higher and allows you to drive traffic organically to your website. In addition, keywords can be broad or generic such as the cost of disability insurance, what disability insurance is, and other phrases that match what people type on search engines. 

Now, let's look at how insurers can benefit from search-engine-optimized keywords:

Benefits of Using Keywords

1. Maximized Organic Traffic

Choosing the right keywords can help your website drive traffic organically and enable the right audience to land on your website. Optimized keywords help audiences find precisely what they are looking for. So if you improve your website's quality with quality keywords under your line of authority, you can expect an increased flow of organic traffic. 

2. Greater Visibility

To grow as a brand that sells insurance policies, SEO optimization can go a long way in helping you to boost your brand visibility and push through your vying competitors to establish your company as a renowned brand. In addition, the more traffic you get for your website, the more people will learn about your brand. 

Therefore, using the right keyword can maximize your brand visibility and engage more audiences. 

3. Increased Opportunities

As you see, your website visitors are increasing from search engines; you will have a broader range of keywords to choose from. Moreover, as your keywords will automatically start ranking due to previous ranking keywords, you will have greater chances of ranking with long-tail or high-ranking keywords. 

4. Maximized Conversion Rates

Increased organic traffic automatically improves the other factors. Therefore, you can expect a higher conversion rate and ROI with more website visitors. 

5. Lower Rate of Cost per Acquisition

With optimized SEO, you can significantly save money in the long run. In addition, the acquisition amount will also decrease as you continue getting more traffic and conversions. This will help you save mainly in the long run while profiting from more customers. 

Now that we have discussed the several benefits that the right keywords can bring to your insurance business let's look at some keywords along with their search volume and competition to help you better understand. 

Popular Life Insurance Keywords


Search Volume


Best life insurance companies



Disability insurance



Whole life insurance



Income insurance



Best life insurance 



Universal life insurance



What is disability insurance



Income protection insurance 



American income life insurance



Senior life insurance



Now that we have mentioned the top keywords in the life insurance category, let's look at some top-ranking keywords that insurers selling income insurance or disability insurance can use to optimize their website from an SEO standpoint. 

  • Disability Insurance for real estate agents

  • AGI Renters Insurance 

  • No Income Insurance

  • Income Insurance Protection

  • Income Loss Insurance

  • Life insurance rates by age chart

It is equally important to incorporate keywords that help you stay ahead of your competitors. Some of these are

  • Disability insurance companies

  • When does short-term disability start

  • What is critical illness

  • Long-term disability insurance cost

  • How much does disability insurance cost

Essential Tools To Do Keyword Research

Keywords for insurers are not generic and entirely depend on the line of authority. Therefore, if you are doing keyword research for your insurance website, these tools can help you with specific and generic keywords that can help your website rank higher. 

1. Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a free tool that can help you find a suitable suite of keywords that are advantageous to your business. Google Adwords allows you to find keywords based on location, competition, and search rank. You will be provided various keywords while researching to understand which ones work best for your website. In addition, Google Adwords has a keyword planner that can help you with keyword trends. 

2. Uber Suggest

Uber Suggest is a great tool for finding long-tail keywords that can drive optimum traffic and help your website reach the target audience. 

3. SEMrush

Semrush is one of the most popular keyword research applications that helps you with detailed insight on what your keywords are ranking for so that you can improvise your SEO strategies and your keywords likewise. 

4. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an efficient tool in terms of link-building and keyword research. This tool helps you with keyword rankings, competition, and volume to filter the keywords that will benefit your website. 

Essential Tips To Keep In Mind While Doing Keyword Research

1. Opt For Long-tail Keywords at the Beginning

Broader terms help you incorporate the ranking keywords and stand a chance of ranking faster. As you start, if you use specific keywords, there is less chance of ranking higher on the search engine. Whereas, if you use broader terms such as "cost of disability insurance" or "what is the cost of life insurance", there is a likelihood that the search engine will crawl your website with that of your competitors. 

2. Be Aware of Your Competitors

Knowing what SEO strategies your competitors are using will always keep you ahead. With keyword research tools that help you learn about your competitors' keywords, you can incorporate the relevant ones in your website accordingly and increase your chances of ranking higher.

3. Use a Keyword Research Tool

Keyword research tools help you rank in a particular location or against competitors strategically. Therefore, if you use high-ranking keywords from keyword research tools, you automatically increase your chances of sounding like a pro with the best suite of keywords. 

Now, let's explore where you can implement your keywords to attain the maximum result for your insurance company website.

Where You Can Incorporate Keywords for Best Results

1. Website Content 

Your website must be SEO optimized to drive the right audience. When you incorporate keywords into your website content, Google will start crawling your website and help people looking for the services you offer to land on your website. For example, they may be looking for the cost of disability insurance or requesting a quotation. With optimized website content, they can quickly become potential leads for your company. 

2. Google Business Profile

By incorporating keyword-rich content and descriptions on your Google Business Profiles, you can increase your chances of ranking locally and strengthen your SEO game. For instance, if your audience is looking for "life insurance rates by age chart, " incorporating this keyword in the descriptions can increase your SEO rankings.

3. PPC Campaigns 

Keywords can effectively improve your PPC campaigns. By implementing ranking keywords that have the potential to drive maximum traffic toward your website in PPC ads or campaigns, you can increase your website traffic significantly. This also ensures that your ads reach out to people willing to learn about the policies you offer. 

Strengthen Your SEO Game With the Right Keywords!

SEO, keyword research, and digital marketing can sometimes get confusing, but with the right approach, you can find your way ahead in this vying spectrum. With the right keyword research approach and a sound knowledge of your competitor's strategies, you can expect to rank on the first page of the search engine over time.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your website user-friendly and expand your reach with keywords if someone is looking for the cost of disability insurance or the policy rates. They should be able to find the information the minute they land on your website. 

If you wish to know more about marketing skills and strategies to leverage your insurance company, read our blogs at Asteya and scale as an insurer. 





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